Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Lifetime in Spring

I was walking with my dad and with my baby brother. We were having fun together. My dad put Danya in with Kevin and we went riding down the hill! It was so fun! We said to run the second time, but he went really fast! It was so fabulous!

I just want to go five times! It was great! We were going to a park. It was really far to go. So we found a park and we played there. We wanted to stay but my mom told us we had to go. So we went. It was really fantastic! I went up on a bar. My dad flipped me over on it! It was really scary my first time. But the second time I was awesome! It was soooo fun!


Daniel Elliott said...

I am glad you had fun in the wagon maby we can do it again.

Danya Mae said...

I love spring and I love the beautiful flowers!